Youth Application Form

4th Harpenden Scout Group is a very popular Scout group and we have a long waiting list.

If you would like to be added to the waiting list please complete the form below.

All parents are expected to help out at meetings at least once a term and also be part of a work party to help maintain our Scout hut (usually once a year).

As we have a long waiting list (as do all Scout groups within Harpenden), we cannot guarantee that your child would get a place with us. However, if a parent or carer is prepared to commit to an active role within the group (such as a Beaver, Cub or Scout leader or as a member of the Group Executive Committee) then their child would have priority. If you would like to discuss this further then please contact our GSL.

We have been overwhelmed with offers to join our Group. Please would you only complete the join form if your child is under 6 years of age.

Application Form

In order to add the young person’s details to our records, please complete the form below, which will be sent to one or more of our leaders.


* Young Person's Name:
* Date of Birth:
* Young Person's School:
* Parent First Name:
* Parent Surname:
* Email Address:
* Telephone No:
Street Address:
Address Line 2:
* Are you interested in volunteering:

Yes Disabled No

Please tick to confirm consent to your details being stored and used. See Privacy Policy

Type phrase below:

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4th Harpenden Scout Group

Scout Association Group Reg No. 125
Lower Luton Road, Harpenden, Hertfordshire, AL5 5EP

Material on this website has been reproduced by permission of The Scout Association
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